• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

P.B.’s Story – delays and roadblocks caused by the two Insurance companies

I was crossing a street, in the crosswalk, with the light, when a car turning left, facing me….ran into my knee. I had major knee reconstruction surgery a few days later and after 3 months I am not permitted to begin trying to walk again.

I am 79 years old and until that moment my life revolved around a long walk every morning with my dog….and vacations to places where walking was a necessity. That is now in jeopardy.

Thank goodness we “lawyered up” because the lawyer and his team has helped us navigate the circuitous path to get the help I need in a timely fashion. There is no telling where I would be without them!

The delays and roadblocks caused by the two Insurance companies…first of all our personal insurer, Sunlife, and then Intact, our automobile insurer, were beyond belief. Only by reaching out to the ombudsman at each company did we get any action.

Then I attempted to understand why the health care provider rates and  travel cents/ km the insurer used were so low? I found out that many of them had not been updated since 2016 and even earlier than that.

It was obvious quickly that to have the goods and services that our medical professionals prescribed we would have to spend our own money and without that would certainly have an outcome less than possible.

When we talked to our lawyer about this I was saddened to discover that I was right but that the unfairness, or moral problem was much wider and deeper than I ever could have imagined.

We were delighted to find this advocacy group. Together we will have a better chance in this battle.   

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