Author Archives: Admin4

‘Anyone with a pulse’ can pass: Semi-trailer driving tests in Canada too easy, instructors agree

Reg Lewis says it’s time to expose the “dirty secret” of the trucking industry.

Lewis says he and other driving instructors are knowingly sending hundreds of ill-prepared semi-trailer drivers onto Canada’s highways, grid roads and city streets every year.

Law Schools’ Dirty Little Secret

Left-leaning social justice warriors have captured Canadian law schools. So goes recent commentary in the National Post (see, e.g. recent columns by Barbara KayBruce Pardy and Christie Blatchford). Law profs “espouse and impose a particular set of values or opinions and a way of thinking” (Blatchford, emphasis added).

Is marijuana medicine? Doctors split on need for separate medical system when pot becomes legal

OTTAWA — An unexpected drama played out at a conference centre in Toronto recently, beginning with a presentation about the future of medical marijuana and ending in insults, jeers and a minor Twitter storm. At the heart of the dispute was a question that producers and users of medical cannabis feel strongly about: Once recreational pot is legal, should there still be a separate medical marijuana system?

Our thoughts on the Toronto Van Attack & a Guide to Community Resources for help

The main office of Goldfinger Injury Lawyers is at 45 Sheppard Avenue E., at Yonge and Sheppard in Toronto.

This is right outside of where Toronto Van Rampage suspect Alex Minassian was bravely apprehended on Poyntz Ave by Toronto Police Constable Ken Lam. More on PC Ken Lam later.

Personal Injury Lawsuit: Self vs. Lawyer Representation

For a new personal injury client, a lawsuit can seem like a long and involved process. Clients often want a basic explanation of what needs to happen and when they will need to be present for their lawsuit. This article lays out the typical steps in personal injury litigation but of course there can be many twists and turns along the way.

How insurance responds when vehicles are used as weapons

If a rental vehicle is used as a murder weapon, the insurer could be on the hook if neither the driver nor the person renting the vehicle have auto insurance.

Ten pedestrians died Monday in Toronto after a rental van was allegedly driven on sidewalks on Yonge Street near Finch Avenue, the Canadian Press reported.

Reporting Medically Unfit Drivers

There is no specific age that a person should stop driving. Senior drivers are usually safe and prudent drivers and represent the most experienced drivers on the road. That being said, family members may begin to notice that their loved one’s physical, functional, and mental abilities have drastically declined and they may become concerned about their loved one’s safety behind the wheel. In that sense, it becomes more of a question of function rather than age.

B.C. projects big savings from new minor injury cap

The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) is congratulating British Columbia’s proposed legislative changes that would introduce a minor injury cap of $5,500 in the province, a move aimed at reversing the public auto insurer’s skyrocketing legal and administrative costs.


When common ownership among these companies is factored in, only four companies provide approximately 84% of the automobile insurance business. These four companies have a stranglehold on the insurance industry in Newfoundland Labrador.

Helping People Get Ahead and Stay Ahead

Ontario is providing more than 4,000 people with a basic income, successfully completing the enrollment phase of the three-year pilot.

Ontario launched the pilot one year ago today, becoming a leader in real-world testing of whether a basic income can help people living on low incomes. With enrollment complete, the pilot will now look at how a basic income might expand opportunities and job prospects while providing greater security for people living on low incomes and their families.